Getting Hugo Going on Chromebook

Step 1 : get a version of Hugo

The easiest way to do this is do install from apt-get. I recommend you use this method for eas of installation and we will talk about current version later.
sudo apt-get install hugo

Step 2 : Create my first site named MyFirstSite

We can get into Git later, but I recommend creating a "code" directory for yourself. Create your first test site inside this directory.
hugo new site MyFirstSite

Step 3 : Add a Theme

There was an error when adding the ananke theme so I later download the hyde theme. This command is executed from the themes directory underneath the directory with your site name.
The directory structure under MyFirstSite wil look like this. CD into the themes directory.
penguin:~/code/MyFirstSite$ ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 1 bradcarrino bradcarrino 20 Apr 6 01:27 archetypes
-rw-r--r-- 1 bradcarrino bradcarrino 82 Apr 6 01:27 config.toml
drwxr-xr-x 1 bradcarrino bradcarrino 0 Apr 6 01:27 content
drwxr-xr-x 1 bradcarrino bradcarrino 0 Apr 6 01:27 data
drwxr-xr-x 1 bradcarrino bradcarrino 0 Apr 6 01:27 layouts
drwxr-xr-x 1 bradcarrino bradcarrino 0 Apr 6 01:27 static
drwxr-xr-x 1 bradcarrino bradcarrino 0 Apr 6 01:27 themes

Retrieve the theme with git clone URL_TO_THEME. Many (but not all) are located at You can check them out there. git clone

Step 4 : Create your first blog post file

Creates an empty post file while in your site's home directory. You can open it with any text editor, add content under the --- section divider. Use HTML tags to mark up the content. hugo new posts/

My file looks like this:
title: "Example"
date: 2019-04-06T01:48:31Z
draft: true

Step 5 : Fire up the server and look for your first post

hugo server -b http://hostname -I –bind= –navigateToChanged &

Point your browser to the URL the server returns. (http://your_ip:1313/ more than likely). Now keep editing, adding new MD files, testing out new themes. Your server will auto-refresh your test site content.

Watch for the last few lies with your URL. Web Server is available at (bind address

Step 6: Help Commands are Useful

I had some issues so started playing around with the help command. At this point my site is not visible because I am inside the Linux container on my Chromebook. hugo help new

Step 7 : Get the latest version and relaunch the server

I went out to the goHugo site and downloaded the latest version of Hugo deb package and installed it manually. Kill your hugo server process before continuing.

sudo dpkg -i hugo_0.54.0_Linux-64bit.deb hugo version hugo server -b http://hostname -I –bind= –navigateToChanged &

Step 8 : Start editing content

I am using Caret as my editor at this point, opening files to see what they are and editing them.

Pay attention to the output. Web Server is available at http://[some IP address]:1313/

Other tools I have installed before this… GIT, GoLang

Developing Your Checklist

Checklists are essential to success. If you have not read The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande, do that right after reading this article. Get employees onboard and delivering on why you invested in them quickly. Quick new hire development is something that every business or needs to do well. Follow basic steps, get the work done in the proper manner.

Have you ever experienced a first day at an organization where the receptionist sat you down and then it felt like everybody forgot you were waiting in the lobby? My first full-time job I was brought into an office, given a book about T.4 protocols and V.17 (fax standards), and told my new boss went to an MLB game with 12 of the staff. He had forgotten my start date and oddly HR did too. Not a good sign of how the future will play out.

Keep in mind a bad experience on the first day of a job sticks with them! (see my story above from over 15 years ago) As the manager, it is your duty to ensure they leave their first day with very good first impression.

  • Physical Space - desk, phone, laptop
  • Access Requirements - what system access, software
  • Agenda for today, the first week, the first month
  • We have a checklist - Even if none of the above is in place show them the checklist. Ig goes a long way to know there is a plan, even if the organization has not fully executed on it.

Documentation is pivital in data protection strategies, in procedures for compliance, and while on-boarding new hires. Get the basics together of what hardware/software they will be using every day, add in some documentation to read, think about what they should know over the first 90 days and you have a checklist. Voila!